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Student Research Grants

Call for Applications


In 2004, the American Society of Parasitologists began a new program to provide small grants to students studying parasitology. Until 2019, the ASP has been able to fund one graduate student ($1000) and one undergraduate student ($500) doing research in the field of parasitology. Because of lack of funding, these two grants have been suspended until further notice.


  • Submissions must be received by XXXX.

  • Awardees will be notified by XXXX and awards dispersed on that date.




The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate level ASP student members affiliated with institutions or major professors who have limited or no grant money to support student research. Both the student and his/her major professor must be members of the ASP at the time of application. (Applications for membership may be found here).




The application packet must include:

  1. A brief proposal written by the student (maximum of 3 pages, double-spaced, 11 pt typeface minimum in either MS Word, WordPerfect, or PDF format only) outlining the student's proposed research, along with a separate, detailed 1-page budget of how the money will be spent. Money can only be used for supplies, equipment, and travel expenses for research (not to attend and present results at meetings).

  2. A brief CV (1-2 pages).

  3. A letter of support from the student's major professor stating why the student needs funding and explaining why the student is a good candidate to receive the grant.


NOTE: At the end of one year in April, awardees must submit a brief report (1-2 pages) summarizing their research activities over the year, outlining what was accomplished, and the expenses incurred related to the initial proposal.





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