By Dennis Minchella
In 2018, ASP selected me to receive the Distinguished Service Award. I thank you for this honor. Last July, in the interest of facilitating an efficient business meeting, I felt that a quick thank you and wave to the audience was enough. Since then, I realize that I would like to express a few words of thanks to the Society and to:
Julian Hillyer, Janine Caira, John Janovy Jr,. and Jillian Detwiler for nominating me for this prestigious award
Phil LoVerde for taking me into his lab as a graduate student because he (in his words) “needed someone in the lab who could reach the top shelf” and for demonstrating a passion for science
Chris Bayne, Fred Lewis, Sam Loker, Charles Richards, and Tim Yoshino for welcoming me into the field of schistosome-snail interactions
George Cain, Jerry Esch, John Holmes, Armand Kuris, and Peter Price for taking an interest in my early ideas in ecological parasitology and encouraging me to explore them
My colleagues and students for turning those ideas and many more into viable contributions in the field of parasitology
John Janovy for guiding me through my presidential duties when Hurricane Dennis hit Mobile, Alabama during our annual meeting
Committee chairpersons and officers who put up with my many requests and suggestions during the years as secretary-treasurer
And finally,
·The membership of both AMCOP and ASP for supporting and trusting me and for allowing me to serve our great organizations
