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Announcement of the ASP 2020 Award Winners

Writer: Kelly WeinersmithKelly Weinersmith

Dear ASP Members,

The American Society of Parasitologists is proud to announce the recipients of the 2020 competition for three of its prestigious awards: The Henry Baldwin Ward Medal; The Clark P. Read Mentor Award; and the Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award. Henry Baldwin Ward MedalThe recipient shall be a member of the Society for no less than three years at the time of the nomination and in mid-career, and who, by self-directed investigations, shall have attained a position of leadership in some phase of parasitological research. The field of parasitology is considered to include, in general, those aspects of the science which are represented by reports published in the official organ of the Society, The Journal of Parasitology. The 2020 recipient of the Henry Baldwin Ward Medal is Dr. Stephen Ashton Bullard, Professor of Parasitology & Taxonomy at Auburn University. Dr. Bullard has broad interests in parasitology, diseases of fishes and aquatic invertebrates, host-parasite interactions, taxonomy and systematics, and parasite and pathogen biodiversity. Dr. Bullard’s record of accomplishment is outstanding, demonstrating particular expertise with blood flukes from turtles and fishes, but with experience with many parasite groups, including studies of their systematics, life cycles and pathology. As documented by his supporting letters, he is an undisputed leader in his field, has very active connections to ASP, and his work extends to broader societal issues. Clark P. Read Mentor AwardThis award honors an individual who, during his or her career, has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in the training of young scientists who have successfully pursued the independent study of parasites or aspects of the host-parasite relationship. Further, the individual shall have influenced the research and/or graduate education of a department, college or institution to significantly increase the number of students completing graduate level training in the various disciplines of parasitology. The 2020 recipient of the Clark P. Read Mentor Award is Dr. Derek M. McKay, Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology at University of Calgary. Dr. McKay investigates how helminth parasites influence intestinal permeability and inflammation. He has an outstanding mentoring resume, having supervised 92 trainees, including 15 post-doctoral fellows, 11 Ph.D. students, 13 M.S. students, and 42 undergraduate students. In addition to mentoring students in his research laboratory, Dr. McKay has impacted the careers of many other trainees through the successful and visible training grant program that he leads. The letters supporting his nomination attest to his effectiveness as a mentor and his strong and well-rounded academic record. Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award - The award is given to a new investigator who has, within the last two years, been awarded a Master or Doctoral degree in the field of Parasitology. Selection will be based upon the body of research accomplished during the candidate's graduate studies including peer-reviewed journal publications related (or unrelated) to the primary thesis or dissertation work, papers and/or posters presented at scientific meetings as a graduate student, and any outside recognition of research excellence. The 2020 recipient of the Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award is Dr. Spencer Galen, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Drexel University. Dr. Galen is interested in in the evolution of host-symbiont interactions across spatial and temporal scales, focusing on the evolution of host specificity within the malaria parasites. For his career stage, the publication record is stellar. He has also won several ASP awards as a student, and is the recipient of a prestigious NSF postdoctoral fellowship. Please join us in congratulating the 2020 ASP Award winners. Sincerely,

Eric S. Loker, Ph.D. Chair, American Society of Parasitologists Awards Committee Julián F. Hillyer, Ph.D. President, American Society of Parasitologists



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