Each year the ASP gives several awards at the Annual Meeting. It is important that the committees involved receive nominations and supporting materials early in the annual meeting cycle to be able to process the materials in a timely manner. The awards listed below are those for which selection committees have been established for 2020. Nominations and supporting materials should be submitted to the respective chairs of these committees. Information concerning the awards is also available at http://amsocparasit.org (under the Awards link).
2020 Henry Baldwin Ward Award
Please submit nominations to: Dr. Eric (Sam) Loker, Department of Biology MSC 03-2020, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Email: esloker@unm.edu.
Nominations will close on January 24, 2020.
ELIGIBILITY: The recipient shall be a member of the Society for no less than three years at the time of the nomination and in mid-career, and who, by self-directed investigations, shall have attained a position of leadership in some phase of parasitological research. The field of parasitology is considered to include, in general, those aspects of the science which are represented by reports published in the official organ of the Society, The Journal of Parasitology.
AWARD: The award consists of travel and accommodation expenses up to $1500, a $500 honorarium, a certificate, and the bronze Ward Medal presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society. The recipient will be expected to deliver a 45 minute acceptance speech.
(1) Members in good standing who nominate candidates for the Henry Baldwin Ward Medal should carefully determine the eligibility of their candidate according to the above eligibility rules.
(2) Nominations for the Henry Baldwin Ward Medal should be supported by adequate documentation to enable the Awards Committee to exercise critical evaluation. At the least, this documentation should consist of: (a) a complete curriculum vitae providing a bibliography in which the authors are listed in the same sequence as in the published papers, and (b) three supporting letters, including the original nominating letter. These letters should include a serious evaluation of the major aspects of the nominee's scientific work.
2020 Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award
Please submit nominations to: Dr. Eric (Sam) Loker, Department of Biology MSC 03-2020, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Email: esloker@unm.edu.
Nominations will close January 24, 2020.
ELIGIBILITY: The award is given to a new investigator who has, within the last two years, been awarded a Master or Doctoral degree in the field of Parasitology. Selection will be based upon the body of research accomplished during the candidate's graduate studies. This "body of research" will be documented through: a) peer-reviewed journal or book publications directly related to research conducted in pursuit of and contained in the accepted graduate student thesis or dissertation, b) other peer-reviewed journal publications unrelated to the primary thesis or dissertation work, but derived from research conducted as a graduate student, c) papers and/or posters presented at scientific meetings as a graduate student, d) any outside recognition of research excellence which may include, but not be restricted to, best student paper awards, dissertation improvement grants, student-initiated research grant support, and the like.
AWARD: The award will consist of travel and accommodation expenses up to $1500, a $500 cash award, and a plaque to be presented during the Annual Meeting of the Society.
NOMINATIONS: Nominations must be made within two years following awarding of the Master or Doctoral degree, and the nominee must be a member of the ASP at the time the award is made. Required documentation for award consideration should include:
a) A nominating letter by the student's graduate advisor critically evaluating the quality and significance of the student's research. (Note: the advisor must be a member of ASP at the time of nomination.)
b) Two letters of support from noted authorities outside of the nominee's institution commenting on the significance of the body of research accomplishments. The advisor will submit the name of one evaluator and the second will be chosen by the Awards Committee.
c) The nominee will provide the following documentation: i) letter providing a self-evaluation of research accomplishments; ii) thesis/dissertation abstract (two page limit); iii) curriculum vitae; and iv) reprints or copies of all research publications (published or in press).
2020 Clark P. Read Mentor Award
Please submit nominations to: Dr. Eric (Sam) Loker, Department of Biology MSC 03-2020, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Email: esloker@unm.edu.
Nominations will close January 24, 2020.
ELIBILITY: The award honors an individual who, during his or her career, has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in the training of young scientists who have successfully pursued the independent study of parasites or aspects of the host- parasite relationship. Further, the individual shall have influenced the research and/or graduate education of a department, college or institution to significantly increase the number of students completing graduate level training in the various disciplines of parasitology.
The selection criteria for the Clark P. Read Mentor Award include but are not limited to one or more of the following: 1) evidence of scholarship in research and graduate education; 2) evidence of success of his or her graduates or postdoctoral trainees; 3) innovative teaching methods; 4) innovative or unique aspects of bench training; 5) letters of support; 6) the award should be for individuals who have made documentable impact on the field of parasitology through their didactic and/or bench-level teaching, or through furthering scientific literacy; 7) nominations or selection committee initiative would be acceptable; and 8) candidates for the award should be a member of ASP, at least by the time the award is given.
AWARD: The award will consist of travel and accommodation expenses up to $1500, a $500 cash award, and a plaque to be presented during the Annual Meeting of the Society. The recipient will be expected to deliver a 20 minute oral presentation to the membership of the Society emphasizing his or her views and experiences related to mentoring.
NOMINATIONS: The nomination package for the Clark P. Read Mentor Award should include the following material: 1. Letter of Nomination 2. Current Curriculum Vitae 3. List of current and former students mentored and, if known, their present position/status including:
*Undergraduate students *Graduate students *Post-doctoral trainees *Students on whose thesis/dissertation committee the nominee served
4. Letters of Support (minimum of 4) that speak to the nominee’s strengths as a mentor.
*Former/current students: letters of support from former/current students should focus on firsthand evidence of the "mentorship" abilities of the nominee *Colleagues – in addition to commenting on evidence of scholarship in research and publication, it is important that the individual writing the letter comment on the nominee's interaction with and influence on students in a mentorship capacity.
2020 Eminent Parasitologist Award
Please submit nominations to: Dr. Cam Goater, University of Lethbridge, Department of Biological Sciences, Wesb, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4, Canada. Email: cam.goater@uleth.ca.
Nominations will close January 24, 2020.
ELIGIBILITY: Selection criteria for the Eminent Parasitologist award are:
(1) Eminence and international visibility for a substantial contribution to parasitology over a minimum10-year period,
(2) Eligibility is not limited to ASP members and
(3) Nominations or selectioncommittee initiative would beacceptable.
AWARD: The award consists of travel and accommodation expenses up to $1,500, a $500 honorarium, and a plaque to be presentedat the Annual Meeting. The Eminent Parasitologist will be required to give a 45 minute presentation.
(1) Members in good standing who nominate candidates for the Eminent Parasitologist Award should carefully determine the eligibility of their candidate according to the above eligibility rules.
(2) Nominations for this award should be supported by adequate documentation to enable the Awards Committee to exercise critical evaluation. Documentation should consist of: (a) a complete Curriculum vitae providing a bibliography in which the authors are listed in the same sequence as in the published papers, and (b) three supporting letters, including the original nominating letter. These letters should include a serious evaluation of the major aspects of the nominee's scientific work.
(3) Nominations or selection committee initiative would be acceptable .