Journal of Parasitology
The Journal of Parasitology is the official journal of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP). The Journal is nonprofit, and dues of the membership support the cost of publication. Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators in any country regardless of whether they are members of the Society. The Journal publishes official business of the ASP and results of new original research, primarily on parasitic animals.
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The Journal of Parasitology is continuously published online with one printed volume produced annually. The Journal includes research articles, brief research notes, announcements of the Society, and book reviews. Articles are subdivided by topic for ease of reference and range from behavior to pathogenesis to systematics. Contributors enjoy rapid turn-around time and broad exposure as over 1400 libraries world-wide subscribe to the Journal. The Journal is recognized for publishing papers that have a long-term impact on the field of Parasitology.