Human-Parasite Medical Links
Provided as a service to assist those in need of help in medical parasitology
ASTMH - Clinical Consultants Directory
If you need to see a physician regarding a parasitic infection, before, after or during travel, this is a good place to look. At this site you can find physicians with training in parasitology and tropical medicine close to where you live.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. Check here first - this is an excellent resource.
Human Skin Parasites Page at UC Davis
Visit this page for good information about those who believe they have parasites in or on them that no doctors can see or diagnose.
The Delusory Parasitosis Page at UC IPM - Online
Visit this page for more information on what to do about parasites that nobody else can see or diagnose.
The Emerging Infectious Disease Online Journal - EID
This page features the Emerging Infectious Disease Online Journal published by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. We recommend this site for keeping informed about emerging infectious diseases.
The Gorgas Courses in Clinical Tropical Medicine
Learn tropical medicine in the tropics - Lima, Iquitos, and Cuzco