Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award
Call for Nominations - 2025 Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award
The award is given to a new investigator who has, within the last 2 years, been awarded a Masters or Doctoral degree in the area of Parasitology.
Nominations will close on January 24, 2025.
The award is given to a new investigator who has, within the last two years, been awarded a Masters or Doctoral degree in the area of Parasitology. Selection will be based upon the body of research accomplished during the candidate's graduate studies. This "body of research" will be documented through (a) peer-reviewed journal or book publications directly related to research conducted in pursuit of and contained in the accepted graduate student thesis or dissertation, (b) other peer-reviewed journal publications unrelated to the primary thesis or dissertation work, but derived from research conducted as a graduate student, (c) papers and/or posters presented at scientific meetings as a graduate student, (d) any outside recognition of research excellence which may include, but not be restricted to, best student paper awards, dissertation improvement grants, student-initiated research grant support and the like. The achievements under consideration for the New Investigator Award must have occurred during the immediate five years surrounding the awarding of the degree for which the candidate is nominated (e.g., five years before, four years before and one year after, or three years before and two years after).
The award will consist of travel and accommodation expenses, a cash award according to the current Society policy, and a plaque to be presented during the Annual Meeting of the Society. It does not include ASP meeting registration fees.
Nominations must be made within two years following awarding of the Masters or Doctoral degree, and the nominee must be a member of the ASP at the time the award is made. Required documentation for award consideration should include:
(a) A nominating letter by the student's graduate adviser critically evaluating the quality and significance of the student's research. Note: the adviser also must be a member of the ASP at the time of the nomination;
(b) Two (2) letters of support from noted authorities who have not been involved in mentoring the nominee commenting on the significance of the body of research accomplishments. The advisor will submit the name of one evaluator and the second evaluator will be selected by the Awards Committee;
c) The nominee will provide the following documentation: i) letter providing a self-evaluation of research accomplishments, ii) thesis/dissertation abstract (two page limit), iii) curriculum vitae, and iv) scanned pdfs only of all research publications (published or in press). Applicants should highlight their track record of sustained contributions to the Society's Journal and its annual meetings.
Please submit nominations to:
Previous Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award Winners
​1995 Mark E. Siddall
1996 Brenda Beerntsen
1997 Scott Snyder
1999 Ramon Carreno
2000 Todd Smith
2001 Peter D. Olson
2002 Jeffrey Bethony
2003 Jason Curtis
2004 Randy J. DeJong
2005 Julian Hillyer
2006 Charles Criscione
2007 Greg Sandland
2008 S. Ashton Bullard
2009 Ryan Hechinger
2010 Dawn Roellig
2011 Chelsea Matisz
2012 Jillian Detwiler
2013 Jonas King
2014 Sarah Orlofske
2016 Stephen Greiman
2017 Heather Stigge
2018 Kyle Gustafson
2019 T. Graham Rosser
2020 Spencer Galen
2021 Kelly Speer
2022 Tyler Achatz
2023 Jimmy Bernot
Ashton C. Cuckler was a native of Nebraska, who received his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1941. After holding positions at the University of Minnesota and the University of Hawaii, he acted as Laboratory Director for the Italian Medical Mission of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. This led Dr. Cuckler to join the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research in 1947. He was instrumental in developing a suite of antiparasitic drugs.