Eminent Parasitologist Lectureship Award
Call for Nominations - 2024
The Eminent Parasitologist Lectureship Award is presented by the ASP to honor someone who exhibits eminence and international visibility for a substantial contribution to the field of Parasitology over a significant period of time. The award is presented in even-numbered years only.
The next call for nominations will close on January 23, 2026.
Nominees should have an established international recognition for substantial contributions to basic scientific research that has impacted the field of Parasitology. Eligibility is not limited to ASP members.
Nominations may be received from any member of the ASP and will consist of a primary nomination and a minimum of two seconds. The primary nominator will submit the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, plus a summary outlining the candidate’s contributions to the enhancement of research on parasites. Those seconding a nomination must submit supporting letters that include a serious evaluation of major aspects of the nominee’s scientific work.
Selection criteria for the Eminent Parasitologist Lectureship are based on eminence and international visibility for a substantial contribution to the field of Parasitology over a significant period of time. Eligibility is not limited to ASP members.
The Awards Committee will then make recommendations to the ASP Council of persons who meet the requirements and who they feel should be considered for the Eminent Parasitologist Lectureship. The award is subject to approval by Council.
The recipient will be expected to deliver a 50-minute major address at the Annual Meeting of the Society summarizing his/her research endeavors. The Committee Chair must prepare a biographical sketch of the recipient and present this in a 10-minute introduction of the speaker. At the end of the awardee's talk, the Chair will present a plaque and honorarium. Accommodation and travel expenses up to $1000 will be reimbursed.
Please submit nominations to:
Previous Eminent Parasitologist Awardees:
1997 E. J. L. Soulsby
1999 R. M. Anderson (postponed)
2000 R. M. Anderson
2001 James H. Oliver, Jr.
2003 Zbigniew (Bob) Kabata
2005 J.P. Dubey
2007 Mark Eberhard
2009 Armand Kuris
2011 Robert L. Rausch
2014 Robin M. Overstreet
2016 William C. Campbell
2024 Robert Poulin